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あんずさん、こんにちはあああ♪ ダンスルームに行くなら近道を教えますよあぁ♪ Hello there, Anzu-saaan ♪ You're heading to the Dance Room, yes? I can show you a shortcut ♪ | |
何で行き先を知ってるの? Why do you know where I'm going? | もちろん、あんずさんのことを見守っていたからですよ。ふふ、ふふふふ……♪ Naturally because I am watching over you, Anzu-san. Fufu, fufufufu... ♪ |
近道って? A shortcut? | 私だけが知っている、秘密の通路があるんです。さぁさぁ、私についてきてください♪ There is a secret passageway that only I know about. Come, do follow me to its location ♪ |
何か怖いな That's kinda scary. | 怖いなんてそんな。闇に連れ込んであんずさんを私だけのものに……。なんて思っていませんよ。ええ、本当に♪ My, for what reason would it be? To drag you into the darkness and make you my own... is something I would never think of doing. I truly never would, yes ♪ |
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ふふ、ふふふふ……。デザートに葡萄があるなんて、とっても嬉しいですねぇええ……♪ Fufu, fufufufu... The available dessert having grapes makes me sooooo very happy... ♪ | |
笑い声、怪しいよ You sound suspicious when you laugh. | はっ、すみませんすみません。つい嬉しくて笑ってしまいました。怪しくてすみませえぇええん……! Ah, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...! I was just so happy that I couldn't help but laugh... I'm sorry for being so suspicioooous...! |
私のもあげるね I'll give you mine too. | いえ、そんな『プロデューサー』さんのものをもらうなどおこがましい。どうかご自分で食べてください No, no, it would be simply impudent of me to accept such from you, producer...! Please, do eat the portion given to you. |
葡萄が好きなの? Do you like grapes? | はい♪ 噛むとぷちりと弾ける皮に滴る果汁……。あぁ、早く食べたいですねえぇええ♪ I dooo ♪ The way the juice bursts from within as you pierce the skin with your teeth... Ahh, I want to eat them as soon as I caaaan ♪ |
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ふふ、ふふふ……。今日も楽しい楽しいレッスンの始まりですねぇえええ♪ Fufu, fufufu... A day of fun, fuuuun lessons begins once again... ♪ | |
楽しそうですね You look like you're having fun. | この楽しい時間をすこしでも長く続けるためにはやっぱり……。ふふ、こちらの話ですのでお気になさらず♪ And for this fun time to last just a bit longer, I need to... Fufu, I'm merely talking to myself, so please pay me no mind ♪ |
練習熱心ですね You're sure pumped up for practice. | うっ……まっすぐな信頼が逆に辛いです……。いえ、何でもありませんよ? ええ、本当に Eep... Such blind faith is a bit painful in its own way... Ah, no, it's nothing, really. |
楽しい……? Fun...? | うっ。私、怪しまれてますね。すみませんすみません、怪しくてすみません…… Eep... You're suspecting me of something, aren't you? I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry for being so suspicious... |