Item |
JP |
None |
朝から元気は出ませんね… |
It takes me a some time to feel awake... |
None |
ラジオの出演が決まりました♪ |
It's been decided that I'll appear on a radio program ♪ |
None |
どうも人混みに酔ったようです… |
It's so crowded that I feel sick... |
None |
あぁ、癒やしがほしいです… |
Aah, I want something soothing... |
None |
皆さんのレッスン拝見してますね♪ |
I'll be watching everyone practice ♪ |
None |
ふふ…夜はまだこれからですよ♪ |
Fufu... The night has only just begun ♪ |
Bookshelf |
この絵本は深い内容ですねぇ |
This picture book is quite fascinating. |
Sofa |
しばし皆さんを観察しましょう♪ |
I'll observe everyone for just a bit ♪ |
Chair |
静かに目立たず過ごしたいですね |
I'd like to spend some time here, quietly and without standing out... |
Whiteboard |
うふふ、かわいく描けました♪ |
Ufufu, I think I drew it cutely ♪ |
TV |
忍きゅ…お頭の番組の時間ですね |
It's time for the show Shinobu-kyu—... Chief will be appearing on. |
Bed |
慣れないベッドで寝れるでしょうか |
Will I be able to sleep in a bed I'm not used to...? |
Tea Table |
たまには何もせずくつろぎましょう |
It's good to just take some time to relax once in a while. |
Plushie |
何とも愛らしいぬいぐるみですね |
What an adorable stuffed animal. |
Lesson Mirror |
お手本になるようがんばりますぅ |
I'll do my best to become a good exampleee... |
Mirror |
昨日より顔色が良い気がします |
I think I look better than I did yesterday. |
Hammock |
Mods Scooter |
これを見て喜ぶ皆さんの姿…ふふ |
When I imagine how delighted the others will look when they see this... Fufu. |
Mascot Trampoline |
無事に着地できてほっとしました… |
It eases my worries that they made this safe to land on... |
Illusion Stage |
どうぞ少しでも楽しめましたか♪ |
I hope that you enjoyed my performance, even if just a bit ♪ |
Prince's Throne |
私なんぞには畏れおおい場所です… |
SMILE Anniversary Glass Tower |
ふふ、楽しそうで何よりです… |
Fufu, what's most important is that everyone is having fun... |
Potted Hydrangeas |
ここの居心地が良いのでしょう♪ |
It's cozy in there, isn't it? ♪ |
Tanabata Bamboo Decoration |
私の願いも叶えてくれるでしょうか |
I wonder if my wish will be granted too... |
Marine Kakigori Counter (Vendor) |
私がつくったのでいいんでしょうか |
Is it okay that I was the one who made it...? |
Marine Kakigori Counter (Customer) |
これはとても美味しそうですね |
This looks quite delicious. |
Beach Chair |
冷たさがとても気持ちいいです |
How cold this is makes it incredibly refreshing. |
Moon Viewing Set |
ふふ、私好みの味がします♪ |
Fufu, this suits my tastes well ♪ |
Pumpkin Basket (Trick) |
おや、誰か悪戯しましたね… |
Oh my, someone's played a trick on me... |
Pumpkin Basket (Treat) |
ランタンをもっとつくりましょうか |
Shall I go make more lanterns? |
Autumn Tree |
こういう景色、私は好きですね |
I love the sights that autumn brings... |
Knitting Sofa [Can Knit] |
ひと針ひと針愛を込めて…♪ |
Putting my love into every stitch... ♪ |
Kotatsu |
お正月はどこも混みますね… |
The crowds are just endless on New Years... |
Sweets Buffet |
甘くて良い匂いがしますねぇ…♪ |
It smells so sweet and delicious... ♪ |
Fortune Cookie Shelf (Red) |
Fortune Cookie Shelf (Blue) |
Cockpit |
私も皆さんのお役に立ちたいですぅ |
I want to be useful to everyone toooo! |
FUSION Anniversary Stage |
つい張り切ってしまいました…♪ |
Bridal Bell |
私まで何だか幸せな気持ちです… |
This makes even me a bit happy to hear... |
Camping Barbecue Set [Marshmallow] |
焼いた後の食感が魅力的ですね…♪ |
Sunflower Flowerbed |
私には少々眩しすぎる花ですね… |
This flower is a little too bright for me... |
Grand Piano [Can Play] |
愛を込めて演奏しました…♪ |
I put all my love into this performance... ♪ |
Christmas Café Bar (Barista) |
お口に合うと嬉しいです…♪ |
I hope you like it... ♪ |
Christmas Café Bar (Customer) |
良い香りに包まれほっとします…♪ |
The lovely aroma soothes my nerves... ♪ |
Small Autumn Pond |
一生懸命な姿が愛らしいです…♪ |
It's cute watching them try their best... ♪ |
Moving Koga Plushie |
どなたかの忘れ物でしょうか…? |
Did someone forget this here...? |
SURPRISE Anniversary Slot Machine (Win) |
私に当たりなんて恐縮ですぅ… |
I'm deeply grateful that even I was able to obtain a win... |
SURPRISE Anniversary Slot Machine (Loss) |
当たらない気はしてましたから… |
I had a feeling I wouldn't win... |
SURPRISE Anniversary Jukebox |
Flower Wagon |
どうか喜んでくれますように… |
I hope that this makes you happy... |
Umbrella Spinning Performance Set |
注目を浴びるのは照れますね… |
It's embarrassing to be in the spotlight... |
Vinyl Pool |
ずっと手を浸していたくなります |
Christmas Diorama |
精巧につくられたジオラマですねぇ |
Love Liner Dresser |
人前に出られる程度でしょうか |
I wonder if this is enough to show myself before others. |
JOYSOUND Karaoke Set |
次はどの曲を歌いましょうか…♪ |
What song should I sing next, hm...? ♪ |
Nissin Special Kitchen Counter |
鰹だしの風味が気に入りました |
I love the flavor of bonito broth. |
Manten Lawn Seat |
星明かりは何だか落ち着きますね… |
Seeing the stars calms me down, it seems... |
Tee Batting |
短く持ったほうが良いでしょうか… |
Virtual Performance Set |
照明に囲まれてすこし緊張します |
Being surrounded by light like this makes me a little nervous. |
DARS Table |
くちどけも良く美味しいです…♪ |