Office Item Interactions

None 朝から元気は出ませんね… It takes me a some time to feel awake...
None ラジオの出演が決まりました♪ It's been decided that I'll appear on a radio program ♪
None どうも人混みに酔ったようです… It's so crowded that I feel sick...
None あぁ、癒やしがほしいです… Aah, I want something soothing...
None 皆さんのレッスン拝見してますね♪ I'll be watching everyone practice ♪
None ふふ…夜はまだこれからですよ♪ Fufu... The night has only just begun ♪
この絵本は深い内容ですねぇ This picture book is quite fascinating.
しばし皆さんを観察しましょう♪ I'll observe everyone for just a bit ♪
静かに目立たず過ごしたいですね I'd like to spend some time here, quietly and without standing out...
Whiteboard うふふ、かわいく描けました♪ Ufufu, I think I drew it cutely ♪
忍きゅ…お頭の番組の時間ですね It's time for the show Shinobu-kyu—... Chief will be appearing on.
慣れないベッドで寝れるでしょうか Will I be able to sleep in a bed I'm not used to...?
Tea Table たまには何もせずくつろぎましょう It's good to just take some time to relax once in a while.
Plushie 何とも愛らしいぬいぐるみですね What an adorable stuffed animal.
Lesson Mirror
お手本になるようがんばりますぅ I'll do my best to become a good exampleee...
昨日より顔色が良い気がします I think I look better than I did yesterday.
Mods Scooter
これを見て喜ぶ皆さんの姿…ふふ When I imagine how delighted the others will look when they see this... Fufu.
Mascot Trampoline
無事に着地できてほっとしました… It eases my worries that they made this safe to land on...
Illusion Stage
どうぞ少しでも楽しめましたか♪ I hope that you enjoyed my performance, even if just a bit ♪
Prince's Throne
SMILE Anniversary Glass Tower ふふ、楽しそうで何よりです… Fufu, what's most important is that everyone is having fun...
Potted Hydrangeas ここの居心地が良いのでしょう♪ It's cozy in there, isn't it? ♪
Tanabata Bamboo Decoration
私の願いも叶えてくれるでしょうか I wonder if my wish will be granted too...
Marine Kakigori Counter (Vendor)
私がつくったのでいいんでしょうか Is it okay that I was the one who made it...?
Marine Kakigori Counter (Customer)
これはとても美味しそうですね This looks quite delicious.
Beach Chair
冷たさがとても気持ちいいです How cold this is makes it incredibly refreshing.
Moon Viewing Set ふふ、私好みの味がします♪ Fufu, this suits my tastes well ♪
Pumpkin Basket (Trick)
おや、誰か悪戯しましたね… Oh my, someone's played a trick on me...
Pumpkin Basket (Treat)
ランタンをもっとつくりましょうか Shall I go make more lanterns?
Autumn Tree
こういう景色、私は好きですね I love the sights that autumn brings...
Knitting Sofa [Can Knit]
ひと針ひと針愛を込めて…♪ Putting my love into every stitch... ♪
Kotatsu お正月はどこも混みますね… The crowds are just endless on New Years...
Sweets Buffet
甘くて良い匂いがしますねぇ…♪ It smells so sweet and delicious... ♪
Fortune Cookie Shelf (Red)
Fortune Cookie Shelf (Blue)
Cockpit 私も皆さんのお役に立ちたいですぅ I want to be useful to everyone toooo!
FUSION Anniversary Stage
Bridal Bell
私まで何だか幸せな気持ちです… This makes even me a bit happy to hear...
Camping Barbecue Set [Marshmallow]
Sunflower Flowerbed
私には少々眩しすぎる花ですね… This flower is a little too bright for me...
Grand Piano [Can Play]
愛を込めて演奏しました…♪ I put all my love into this performance... ♪
Christmas Café Bar (Barista)
お口に合うと嬉しいです…♪ I hope you like it... ♪
Christmas Café Bar (Customer)
良い香りに包まれほっとします…♪ The lovely aroma soothes my nerves... ♪
Small Autumn Pond
一生懸命な姿が愛らしいです…♪ It's cute watching them try their best... ♪
Moving Koga Plushie
どなたかの忘れ物でしょうか…? Did someone forget this here...?
SURPRISE Anniversary Slot Machine (Win)
私に当たりなんて恐縮ですぅ… I'm deeply grateful that even I was able to obtain a win...
SURPRISE Anniversary Slot Machine (Loss)
当たらない気はしてましたから… I had a feeling I wouldn't win...
SURPRISE Anniversary Jukebox
Flower Wagon
どうか喜んでくれますように… I hope that this makes you happy...
Umbrella Spinning Performance Set
注目を浴びるのは照れますね… It's embarrassing to be in the spotlight...
Vinyl Pool
Christmas Diorama
Love Liner Dresser 人前に出られる程度でしょうか I wonder if this is enough to show myself before others.
JOYSOUND Karaoke Set
次はどの曲を歌いましょうか…♪ What song should I sing next, hm...? ♪
Nissin Special Kitchen Counter
鰹だしの風味が気に入りました I love the flavor of bonito broth.
Manten Lawn Seat
星明かりは何だか落ち着きますね… Seeing the stars calms me down, it seems...
Tee Batting
Virtual Performance Set
照明に囲まれてすこし緊張します Being surrounded by light like this makes me a little nervous.
DARS Table