Office Character Interactions

ALKALOID Hiiro: 都会には面白いものがおおいな♪
Mayoi: 私はまだ外は怖いです…
Hiiro: There are many interesting things to be found in the city ♪
Mayoi: The outside world is still too frightening for me...
ALKALOID Aira: ここのダンス教えてくれる?
Mayoi: はっはい…! 喜んで!
Aira: Could you teach me this dance?
Mayoi: Y-Yes...! With pleasure!
ALKALOID Tatsumi: 一緒にドライブでもいかがです?
Mayoi: ひぃ、ちょっと遠慮します…
Tatsumi: How about going for a drive with me?
Mayoi: Eep, I'm afraid I'll have to decline...
Trickstar Mayoi: ひっ、すみませんすみません!
Hokuto: む、怖がらせてしまったか…?
Mayoi: Eep, I'm sorry, I'm sorry!
Hokuto: Hm, did I frighten you...?
Trickstar Subaru: やっほやっほ♪ 元気してる~?
Mayoi: 目映い存在感に目が眩みます
Subaru: Yo yo~♪ How're you doing?
Mayoi: You've such a dazzling presence that I feel like I am being blinded...
Trickstar Makoto: たまに忍者修行してるよね?
Mayoi: はいぃっ! 不審ですみません!
Makoto: Are you still involved with the Ninja Association?
Mayoi: I-I aaaaam! I'm sorry for being so suspicious!
Trickstar Mayoi: 良ければ、近道をお教えしますよ
Mao: おおっ、ほんとか 助かるよ!
Mayoi: If you would like, I could show you a shortcut.
Mao: Oh, really? That'd help me out!
RYUSEITAI Mayoi: 立場的にヒーローはちょっと苦手で
Chiaki: 何故だ? 君のことも助けるぞ!
Mayoi: Considering what I'm like, I don't mesh too well with heroes...
Chiaki: Why do you feel that way? A hero would save you as well!
RYUSEITAI Kanata: しのぶがおせわになってます
Mayoi: お礼を言われるほどのことは…!
Kanata: thank you for looking out for shinobu.
Mayoi: There is no need to thank me for such at all...!
RYUSEITAI Tetora: 忍くんのことがちょっと心配ッス
Mayoi: ひっ…! 不審ですみませんっ…!
Tetora: I'm kinda worried about Shinobu-kun.
Mayoi: Eep...! I'm sorry for being so suspicious...!
RYUSEITAI Midori: あの…アドバイスの手紙どうも
Mayoi: えぇっ…! 何で私だと…!?
Midori: Um... Thank you for that note of advice you gave me before.
Mayoi: H-Huh...!? How did you know it was me...!?
RYUSEITAI Shinobu: 今日も一緒に修行するでござるよ!
Mayoi: はいっ! 一生ついて行きますぅ
Shinobu: Let us partake in joint training once again!
Mayoi: Yes! I will follow you to the ends of the earth...!
fine Eichi: 天井裏の掃除をどうもありがとう
Mayoi: なっ、なんのことでしょう…?
Eichi: Thank you for keeping the ceiling crawlspace clean.
Mayoi: W-What could you be referring to...?
fine Wataru: 道化と怪人の夢の共演…☆
Mayoi: ひえぇっ。目立ちたくないですぅ!
Wataru: A starring duo to die for: the clown and the phantom... ☆
Mayoi: E-Eeeep... I don't want to be in the spotlight!
fine Mayoi: ふふふ。愛らしいですねぇ…♪
Tori: 何だか妙な視線を感じる…!
Mayoi: Fufufu. How adorable... ♪
Tori: I feel like there's someone looking at me weirdly...!
fine Yuzuru: このわたくしを欺くとは…
Mayoi: 気配がなくてすみません…!
Yuzuru: For you to have concealed yourself from even me...
Mayoi: I'm sorry for having no presence...!

Animal Plaza Interactions

Daikichi (Dog) つい驚いてしまいました… You surprised me...
Leon (Dog) 私とも仲良くしてくれるんですか?
Jeanne D'arc (Dove) ちいさくて愛らしいですねぇ You're so cute and smaaaall...
Koppe (Rabbit) 私と遊んでほしいのでしょうか…? Oh, do you want me to play with you...?
Hokuto-senpai (Penguin) 今後ともよろしくお願いしますね♪ I look forward to working with you in the future ♪