Timid Phantom - 内気な怪人

Quote1: "This way, hurry!"
Quote2: "I will try my very hardest for as long as I am stood here!"

Live: Grape-colored Suit - 葡萄色のスート
Support: Urgent Escape - 緊急回避

StarPro's Unknown - スタプロの未知

Quote1: "A dazzling world stretches before my eyes."
Quote2: "This is how kindness can protect others."

Center: Star Trembling in the Gap Before Gratitude - 礼の狭間で揺れる星
Live: Ghost Observation Record - 亡霊の観察記録
Support: Recipient of Blessings - 祝福の差し入れ

Faint Motor Show - 幽かなモーターショウ

Quote1: "Aah, I'm so ashamed of myself!"
Quote2: "I'm protected by a barrier of love... ♪"

Center: Chief's Power - お頭の力
Live: Supported by Love - 支えてくれる愛
Support: Associationmates - 同好会の仲間

Ideal Diorama - 夢のジオラマ

Quote1: "I'm sorry, there's a reason for..."
Quote2: "I'm more comfortable being the photographer than the subject..."

Center: Desired Paradise - 欲望の楽園
Live: Chief's Request - お頭の依頼
Support: All-Nighter - 徹夜仕事

Rocking From Afar - どこかにはロック

Quote1: "They're increasing, one by one..."
Quote2: "As my confidence increases, so does my greed ♪"

Center: LOVE Beyond Imagination - 想像するほどLOVE
Live: If You Seek Love... - 愛を求めるなら
Support: To Sing One's Dreams - 歌に望みを乗せて

Hideout Breaker - 潜伏ブレイカー

Quote1: "I thought I heard something, but..."
Quote2: "Let's wait patiently for our chance..."

Center: Prison of Desire - 欲望のプリズン
Live: Commander's Pawn - 采配者の駒
Support: Hidden One's Thoughts - 潜伏者の心理

Freezing Reaper - 氷結の死神

Quote1: "It's quite embarrassing to watch, isn't it...!?"
Quote2: "If incased in ice, things will be preserved forever, and yet..."

Center: Ice and Toying With Fate - 氷と弄ぶ運命
Live: Confining Snow - 幽閉の雪
Support: Movie-Shooting Winter - 映画撮影の冬

Observing Card - 見つめるカード

Quote1: "The amount of flowers given has a meaning..."
Quote2: "I want to give you more, even if it's only a bit at a time...!"

Center: Helpful Playing Card - 手伝いのトランプ
Live: Black That Carries Out Its Duty - 役を全うする黒
Support: A Chat in the Rose Garden - 薔薇園の小話

Courage and Surprise - 勇気とサプライズ

Quote1: "There are things I can't do alone that I can with others."
Quote2: "It's because of those around me that I'm able to feel this way."

Center: Anxiety-Easing Coin - 安らぐためのコイン
Live: The Mayoi Special - マヨイスペシャル
Support: A Chance to Collaborate - 協力チャンス

××× Friend - ×××・フレンド

Quote1: ""
Quote2: "I'd rather watch than be watched..."

Center: A Mark of my Own - 自分だけの印
Live: Skilled at Detail Work - 器用な手先
Support: The Depth Cuteness Has - かわいいの奥深さ

How to Look After Someone - お世話の方法

Quote1: "Ugh..."
Quote2: "It's important to try."

Center: Determination to Finish - やり遂げる意思
Live: Confusing Repayment - 戸惑う恩返し
Support: Disaster at the Dorm - 寮室の異変

Yearning Soldier - 焦がれる兵隊

Quote1: "There's nothing to be afraid of."
Quote2: "Allow me to take you to that stage where stars shine."

Center: Stepping Onto the Stage - 踏み出すステージ
Live: Gleaming Within the Darkness - 闇の中で輝く
Support: ALKALOID's Caution - ALKALOIDの慎重さ

A Star as It Is - あるがままの星

Quote1: "You'll be cursed just by listening to this tale."
Quote2: "If I'm with my companions, I can go anywhere...!"

Center: 解いていく答え
Live: 惹かれ合う心
Support: 因習村の怪談


Quote1: "I want to fulfill people's expectations."
Quote2: "This is the path I chose for myself."

Center: 顔を上げた挑戦
Support: 限界を抱きしめ