An Idol - ひとりのアイドル

Quote1: "I am Mayoi Ayase from ALKALOID."
Quote2: "I'm part of StarPro..."

ES Idol - ESのアイドル

Quote1: "I must convey my feelings to the audience."
Quote2: "I can't proceed if I continue to shut myself away..."

Practicing - 練習風景

Quote1: "Would it be alright if I offer you some advice...?"
Quote2: "Follow my example... ♪"

Live: Idol's Example - アイドルの手本
Support: Unit's Advisor - ユニットのアドバイス

Hidden Thief - 隠れ盗賊

Quote1: "If you could, please keep this a secret..."
Quote2: "I'll give you what you're seeking... ♪"

Center: Phantom's Territory - 怪人のテリトリー
Live: A Secret, Hidden Room - 秘密の隠し部屋
Support: The Room's Entrance Code - 部屋の入室キー

Difficult Challenge - 苦手チャレンジ

Quote1: "I can't disapprove of your desire to grow."
Quote2: "Please watch us for as long as you wish!"

Center: Disoriented Bird - 戸惑いの鳥
Live: Anticipatory Instruction - 先回りの指導
Support: Extra Practice Coach - 自主練コーチ

A Gathering of Novices - 初級親睦会

Quote1: "...Huh? W-Why..."
「…はい? ど、どうして…」
Quote2: "Friends who I can enjoy playing games with, huh... ♪"

Center: Kubb Tournament - クッブ大会
Live: Additional Participant - 追加参加者
Support: Chief's Desire - お頭の要望

Anxious Satellite (不安サテライト)

Quote1: "You're all unfazed, huh..."
Quote2: "Allow me to show you our power."

Center: Evolving Planet - 変化する遊星
Live: Watching SS From Afar - 俯瞰する『SS』
Support: Evolving as Needed - 環境の変化

Excessive Sweetness - 過剰な甘さ

Quote1: "That is a much too frail, vague bond for me...!"
Quote2: "I just want to spoil you... ♪"

Center: Limited Communication Skills - 限界のコミュニケーション
Live: A Day to Let Loose - 暴走の一日
Support: Heart Worn on a Sleeve - 振り回される心

A School Day - 登校日

Quote1: "T-That is much too frightening for me..."
Quote2: "U-Um, me too."

Center: An Offered Hand - 差し出された手
Live: Lunchtime with Three - 三人ランチ
Support: Comfort From Within the Class - クラスの居心地

Crowded Sports Festival - 大勢体育祭

Quote1: "I can endure the crowds and sunlight..."
Quote2: "I want to look upon you all from afar... ♪"

Center: Anxious Behavior - 人見知りな行動
Live: Difficult Envrionment - 不得意な環境
Support: Occult Information - オカルト情報

Our Destination From the Other Side - 裏側から進む先

Quote1: "Y-Y-You're mistakeeen!"
Quote2: "Let us enjoy this magnificent performance ♪"

Center: Time Spent With the School - 学び舎と共に
Live: An Abruptly-Noticed Fear - ふと気づく気遣い
Support: Daily After-School Routine - 放課後の日課

Night of the Sinking Soldier - 沈みゆく兵隊の夜

Quote1: "With a single action, everything will change."
Quote2: "Let's express ourselves thoroughly."

Center: Inviting Expression - 誘い掛ける表情
Live: A Shut-Away Yesterday - 閉ざした昨日
Support: Active Mind - 駆け巡る心

Benevolent Holistic - 恩愛ホリスティック

Quote1: "Please calm doooown...!"
Quote2: "I want to repay them as much as I can!"

Center: Brightly-Lit Flame - 明かり灯す炎
Live: Night That Brings Belonging - 居場所与える夜
Support: Bewildered Heart - 惑いの心

A Gaze You Feel - 感じる視線

Quote1: ""
Quote2: ""

Center: The One Being Chased - 追われる側
Live: A Too-Close Distance - 近すぎる距離
Support: A Peaceful Job - 和やかな仕事

Gourmet District of Enjoyment - エンジョイ美食街

Quote1: ""
Quote2: ""

Center: Discovered Piece - 発見のpiece
Live: Support GOURMET - 協賛GOURMET
Support: A Place to Relax - 心休まる場所

Melodic Sparkle - 旋律スパークル

Quote1: ""
Quote2: ""

Center: Cheerful Memories - 黄色い思い出
Live: Vacation Summer - バカンスサマー
Support: Perfect Preparation - 万全な準備

Illuminate Your Reality - 実現イルミネイト

Quote1: ""
Quote2: ""

Center: 妖精への同調
Live: Glittering Fantasia - 煌めきファンタシア
Support: A Soothing Scene - 癒やしの光景